an overview of all open-source projects affiliated with UCLA, extending beyond those managed by ACM at UCLA.
HTML • acm-cyber, ctf, cyber, cybersecurity, lactf, pbr, ucla, ucla-opensource
An archive of past challenges from LA CTF hosted by ACM Cyber at UCLA and Psi Beta Rho.
GitHub Repositorynvim-surround
Lua • lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, surround, ucla-opensource
Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written with :heart: in Lua.
TypeScript • acm-cyber, cyber, cybersecurity, nextjs, scss, typescript, ucla-opensource
The home for ACM Cyber at UCLA! Website for the premier cybersecurity club at UCLA.
GitHub Repositorywebsite
JavaScript • react, ucla-opensource
The official (award-winning) website for ACM at UCLA, the largest tech community on campus!
GitHub Repositorylactf-website
JavaScript • acm-cyber, ctf, cybersecurity, lactf, nextjs, pbr, ucla-opensource
LA CTF hosted by ACM Cyber & Psi Beta Rho! Website for the largest annual cybersecurity competition at UCLA! Whether you are tackling your first exploit or have professional experience, there will be challenges just right for you!
GitHub Repositorylactf-platform
JavaScript • ctf, rctf, ucla-opensource
Platform for LA CTF. Forked from redpwn/rctf.
GitHub Repositorycyanea
TypeScript • ucla-opensource
ACM Cyber's modular script for syncing unified event information across disparate platforms!
GitHub Repositoryicpc-website
JavaScript • acm, acm-icpc, icpc, ucla, ucla-opensource, website
Official Website for ACM ICPC at UCLA
TypeScript • ucla-opensource
📊 Website with UCLA grade distributions from 2021-2024
GitHub Repository2ControlVerification
Coq • ucla-opensource
A proof verification of "Optimal Implementation of Quantum Gates with Two Controls".
GitHub Repositorylockr-hardware
C++ • ucla-opensource
Hardware/Firmware for LA Hacks 2022 2nd Place Overall, Best Hardware Hack, Life Hacks Track Winner: An IoT Communal Sharing System
GitHub Repositorynext-ts-starter-template
TypeScript • ucla-acm, ucla-opensource
A next.js, typescript, react starter repository with built-in linting and github actions for ACM project development!
GitHub Repositorybe-heard-backend
Python • ucla-opensource
XHacks 2021 Startup Track Winner: Be Heard. Educate, Enact, Empower. No voice left behind. (backend)
GitHub Repository